The largest network of specialized doctors and hospital services in Los Cabos.
Our services are designed to cover all the needs that the patient may have. We have a wide selection of services from medical specialists, air transportation, laboratories, radiology, to home visits.

At home or in clinic medical consultation services, nursing care and intensive therapy.

In partnership with the best hospitals in the region, operating rooms, blood banks, and emergency rooms.

Viral antibody studies, cultures, blood chemistry, hormonal studies and more.

Angiogram, simple radiology, magnetic resonance imaging, tomography, and Doppler ultrasound.

Insurance for major medical expenses, work medicine, nursing and physiotherapy.

Ground ambulance, medevac, ER and emergency services with 24-hour availability.

Medical Specialists
Specialty dedicated to pain relief and total patient care before, during and after surgery.
Specialty that deals with the causes, prevention and treatment of obesity.
Branch of medicine that deals with the study, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the heart and circulatory system.
Specialty that through surgical procedures, obesity is treated to achieve a decrease in weight.
Specialty focused on surgical procedures of the heart, lungs, esophagus, and other organs of the chest.
Specialty focused on correcting possible anomalies of a structural nature in the spine.
Branch of surgery that covers the main areas of surgical treatment. Treats diseases of the abdomen and digestive system.
Specialty that aims to correct and improve abnormalities of congenital, acquired, tumor or involutional origin that require repair or replacement of body shape and function
Branch of medicine dedicated to caring for patients with a serious prognosis or at high risk of presenting complications.
Medical specialty dedicated to the study, knowledge, diagnosis and treatment of all skin conditions.
Science that is dedicated to preventing, recovering and rehabilitating patients of all ages through therapeutic treatments aimed at restoring function in body mechanics.
Medical specialty that deals with diseases of the digestive system; esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, small intestine, large intestine, colon, and rectum.
Branch of medicine concerned with the problems and illnesses of older adults, how to prevent and manage them, and the aging process.
Medical and surgical specialty that studies the female reproductive system.
Branch that focuses on the restoration, maintenance and promotion of aesthetics, beauty and health, for which it uses medical practices and minor interventionism, in which topical or local anesthesia is used and on an outpatient basis.
Medical discipline that is responsible for maintaining health in all aspects, analyzing and studying the human body globally.
It is dedicated to the study, diagnosis and treatment of adult diseases; the treatments offered are non-surgical. This discipline studies the patient in an integral way.
Deals with the study of the structure and function of the kidney, both in health and in disease, including the prevention and treatment of kidney disease.
Medical specialty dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases during the first 28 days of life.
Medical specialty responsible for the study of diseases of the respiratory system and focuses its field on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of lung diseases.
Medical science that studies diseases that affect the nervous system that require or may require surgical treatment at some point in their evolution.
Medical specialty that has competence in the study of the nervous system, and diseases of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves.
Science that studies the physiological and metabolic processes that occur in the body with food intake.
Science that treats, prevents and studies typical diseases of the oral cavity, such as caries and gingivitis.
Medical specialty that studies eye diseases and their treatment, including the eyeball, its muscles, the lacrimal system and the eyelids.
Branch of medicine that studies and treats neoplasms, with special attention to malignant tumors or cancer.
Medical-surgical specialty that is responsible for the study of diseases of the ear, both auditory and balance, of the upper respiratory tract.
Branch of medicine that involves the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents.
Medical specialty that works on the study, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders, based on biological, psychological and social knowledge.
Medical specialty, which deals with generating images of the interior of the body through different physical agents and using these images for the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of diseases.
Medical specialty dedicated to medical disorders of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, which encompasses a large number of clinical entities known collectively as rheumatic diseases.
Specialty aimed at the study and treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system: bones, muscles and tendons, including traumatic injuries, such as fractures and dislocations, congenital and developmental diseases.
Medical-surgical specialty that deals with the study, diagnosis and treatment of pathologies that affect the urinary system, adrenal glands and retroperitoneum of both sexes, as well as the male reproductive system.
Hospital Services
A place where blood and blood components are stored and processed. Blood banks are located both in transfusion centers and in hospital transfusion services.
Medical device to apply a high atmospheric pressure of pure oxygen to the body, so that this element reaches through the bloodstream to areas where there is a deficiency.
Space uses a fan to force air through a filter and provides clean air to the work area free of particles. Cell cultures or any other system that needs to be kept clean and contamination avoided is used inside these hoods. with tiny particles.
Scan that allows direct visualization of the entire large intestine and also, if necessary, the final part of the small intestine.
It consists of providing a flow of oxygen, alone or mixed with air, above the patient’s inspiratory peak flow, through a nasal cannula (used in the treatment for Covid-19).
Hospital unit where the most critical patients are cared for, either because of their illness or because of a situation that requires special monitoring.
A special unit in the hospital for babies who are born preterm, very premature, or have a serious medical condition.
Procedure that allows purifying fluids and electrolytes in patients suffering from renal insufficiency.
Diagnostic technique, which consists of the introduction of a camera or lens inside an endoscope through a natural orifice, a surgical incision or an injury for the visualization of a hollow organ or body cavity.
Treatment to filter toxins and water from the blood, as the kidneys did when they were healthy. It helps control blood pressure and balance important minerals in the blood like potassium, sodium, and calcium.
Recording medical device to monitor heart rhythm for periods of 24 to 72 hours.
Service for the hospitalization of patients, prior authorization from the treating physician, to establish a diagnosis, receive treatment and monitor their condition.
A small device that is placed under the skin of the chest to help control the heartbeat. It is used to make your heart beat more regularly if you have an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia).
Treatment consists of removing the kidney stones. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), a minimally invasive technique, disintegrates stones using shock waves.
An esophageal motility study to assess motor function of the upper esophageal sphincter, esophageal body, and lower esophageal sphincter.
It is the set of measures necessary to prevent the development or progress of diseases.
Ambulatory technique for the assessment of gastroesophageal reflux (retrograde passage of gastric content into the esophagus).
Cardiological test that measures the heart’s ability to respond to external stress in a controlled clinical setting. The stress response is induced by exercise or by intravenous pharmacological stimulation.
Arthroscopy is a type of endoscopy. It consists of visualizing a joint, such as the knee, in order to observe the meniscus and the rest of its internal anatomy.
Surgical technique of frequent use, which allows the vision of the pelvic-abdominal cavity with the help of an optical lens.
Operating room equipped for trans-urethral surgical techniques and highly specialized for urology.
It is an area that has the equipment, devices and instruments to perform intravascular and intracardiac procedures through blood vessels (veins and arteries) as access routes to reach any organ or part of the body.
Primary care department or section of a hospital that provides initial treatment for patients with a wide spectrum of illnesses and injuries, some of which can be life-threatening and require immediate attention.
Department specializing in the care of newborns, both healthy and sick, from the moment they are born until 30 days of life.
It is a set of techniques and procedures for the management of respiratory diseases applicable to adults, pediatrics and neonates, hospitalized or outpatients, which, when applied, contribute to the strengthening and restoration of lung function through inhalation of medications and based on humidity.
High sensitivity monitoring of the good condition of the fetus. It consists of placing some sensors on the mother, in the womb, one of them capturing the heart rate of the fetus, and the other the uterine contractility, “the contractions”.
It is the area designed to provide advanced care to all patients with physiological instability that puts their lives at risk or who is in respiratory and/or cardiorespiratory arrest.
Laboratory Services
This test detects antibodies to a specific viral infection. It is usually done with a blood sample. If the antibody is found, this test can show whether a person was infected recently or in the past.
Set of diagnostic techniques that constitute the methodological indication for the identification of most enteroparasitosis caused by protozoa or helminths.
A sample of blood, urine, skin, or another part of the body is taken. The sample is taken to a laboratory and placed in a special medium to promote cell reproduction. Results are usually ready within a few days.
The results of a microscopic urinalysis can point to a diagnosis of a urinary tract infection, renal (kidney) problems, a metabolic disorder such as diabetes, or an injury to the urinary tract.
Hormone levels in the blood are measured to identify diseases or problems in the body.
The red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets are studied, analyzing their relative proportions, the general state of the cells and the diseases caused by their imbalances. blood coagulation tests, these are requested as part of the preoperative examinations or for the control of anticoagulant treatment.
Perform diagnostic tests for fungus detection.
Laboratory method used to make many copies of a given piece of DNA from a sample that has minute amounts of it. It is also used to identify pieces of DNA from certain bacteria, viruses, or microorganisms to diagnose an infection.
Viral antigens develop on the surface of cells infected with a specific virus. The viral antigen detection test is done on a sample of tissue that may be infected.
It is a series of blood tests that analyze various elements in the blood serum, although these can range up to 27 or 30, the basic test consists of 6 elements.
It is the study that allows to verify the presence of antibodies in the blood. It is a fundamental test when making blood donations and transfusions.
Radiology & Imaging
Diagnostic imaging exam whose function is the study of blood vessels that are not visible by conventional radiology.
It is an instrument used mainly for obtaining high-resolution, quality radiological images in real time, generally in the surgical field.
It consists of a diagnostic X-ray image exploration of the mammary gland, using devices called mammographs.
Radiological technique that represents, in a single film, a general image of the jaws, jaws and teeth. Therefore, it is of primary use in the maxillo mandibular dentition area.
It is a test that takes a picture of the inside of your body. It uses a low dose of x-ray radiation. X-rays show body parts based on their density (how solid they are).
It is an imaging study to visualize organs and tissues within the body. Unlike a traditional MRI, contrast dye further improves accuracy. The most common substance is gadolinium contrast and offers several advantages. However, its use is not always necessary or recommended.
It is a medical imaging technique that uses a computer-generated magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the body’s organs and tissues.
It is a high-tech test to detect diseases of the region or organ under study. It consists of applying a contrast medium intravenously to observe and identify internal injuries.
It is an imaging method that uses X-rays to produce multiple images or photographs of the inside of the body.
It uses sound waves to produce pictures of internal body structures. It helps to diagnose the causes of pain, swelling, and infection in the internal organs of the body, and to examine the unborn child (fetus) in pregnant women.
It is a noninvasive test that measures blood flow in blood vessels by bouncing high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) off circulating red blood cells. In regular ultrasound, sound waves are used to create images, but blood flow cannot be shown.
Specialized Services
An air ambulance is the safest and fastest transportation option for patients who are too ill or infirm to withstand the rigors of commercial flights.
It is an advanced life support service that provides high-quality emergency medical care at the scene of trauma or medical emergencies, and during transport to and between medical facilities.
We come to your home to provide nursing care services, from administration of medications and vaccines, to personal hygiene care.
Therapy that allows to act in the prevention, maintenance and recovery of the functionality of the body. The double benefit of physiotherapy is found not only in the treatment of existing ailments or pathologies but also in its preventive action against injuries.
Medical specialty dedicated to the study of diseases and accidents that occur due to or as a result of work activity, as well as the preventive measures that must be adopted to avoid them or lessen their consequences.
We formulate a menu for your collaborators that fits the budget and is nutritionally complete, in addition to creating a nutritional plan for the collaborators and thus having a healthier company.
Hiring a major medical expenses policy designed to cover various services related to health care, which may be the result of serious illness or an accident.
Physical therapy, occupational therapy, pathology services, among others. Our health staff has enough experience to provide the relief that patients and their families expect.
Supplemental oxygen at home or portable. Our doctors will prescribe an oxygen system according to your needs.
For physical recovery, vitamin supplementation, rehydration or an energy boost for demanding days.

Always with You
At We’ll Assist, more than providing medical care, more than serving our community, it’s about human connection. We understand that it is about being there when you need us most.